Get Heart Smart This March

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There’s a big chance that someone in your life has, or will be, affected by heart disease. Since it’s the number one cause of death in the U.S., taking over 600,000 lives yearly, take a minute to familiarize yourself with heart disease in case of an emergency.

What is heart disease?

When people think of heart disease, they often think of a heart attack, and that’s with sound reasoning. While heart disease is an overarching term for numerous infirmities afflicting the heart and blood vessels, the most general example is coronary artery disease, which can cause heart attacks. Coronary artery disease is when the heart’s primary blood vessels become thick and small due to an accumulation of plaque. When blood flow, which brings essential oxygen to the heart, is reduced, a heart attack can transpire. Other types of heart disease include stroke, heart valve problems, and arrhythmia.

What are the signs of a heart attack?

The American Heart Association states while some heart attacks are unexpected and intense, they usually start gradually with moderate pain and distress. It may feel like rising tension or pressing, and it can disappear for several minutes then repeat. Chest pain is the most common sign of a heart attack along with other symptoms as well. Someone having a heart attack could also feel:

  • Discomfort in their stomach, neck, jaw, back, or arms
  • Shortened breaths or lightheadedness
  • Cold sweats
  • Nausea or vomiting

Women are more likely to experience non-chest pain symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

If you think you or someone else could be suffering a heart attack, contact 911 directly. Every second counts!

If you need assistance for someone who has experienced a heart attack or needs care contact The Orchard. We know every individual has unique needs and our professionals dedicate themselves to providing excellent care for you or your loved one. Contact us to learn The Orchard Difference.

The Importance of Sleep for Seniors


Are you getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night? A recent study conducted by the CDC showed that one-third of people will answer no. Not getting enough sleep can have some serious consequences to your health. A lack of sleep can increase your risk of obesity, a stroke, and dementia. Not to mention your all-around quality of life.

This weekend get yourself prepared for Sunday, March 13 because that marks the beginning Daylight Savings time. We’ll all lose an hour of sleep, which may cause some of us to end up in serious sleep deprivation mode. Losing even just an hour of sleep can make for a tough Monday morning which usually bleeds into the rest of the week.

If you are already regularly not getting adequate sleep, now is the opportunity to do something about it. Suggestions for a good night’s sleep include developing a relaxing bedtime ritual, avoiding caffeine after noon, and getting enough exercise. Our Orchard staff can help prepare residents a schedule that will ensure a good night’s sleep and a healthy and active day. Contact us here to learn more about the Orchard difference.

Six Pillars of a Brain Healthy Lifestyle

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The six pillars of a brain healthy Alzheimer’s prevention lifestyle are:

1. Healthy diet.
Eating habits that reduce inflammation and promote normal energy production are brain-healthy habits. To eat brain-healthy try consuming foods like green tea, ginger, fish, soy products, and blueberries, and other dark berries can protect these vital cells from damage. Be sure to get plenty of omega-3 fats that are found in cold water fish but also avoid trans fats and saturated fats..

2. Regular exercise.
Regular exercise may decrease your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to 50%. To maximize your brain-protection benefits strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Be sure to incorporate balance and coordination activities.

3. Mental stimulation.
It’s important also to stay mentally in shape by continuing to challenge yourself. Learn something new every day, practice memorization, and engage in cognitive puzzles. Keep your mind sharp by practicing the 5 W’s. Ask yourself “Who, What Where, When, and Why” throughout your day.

4. Quality sleep.
Commonly people with Alzheimer’s disease suffer from insomnia and other sleep problems. Deep sleep is necessary for memory formation and uninterrupted sleep for flushing out brain toxins. If you have a problem with snoring, get tested for sleep apnea. Treatment can make a big difference in your health and quality of sleep.

5. Stress management.
Chronic to severe stress takes an enormous toll on the brain, which can lead to shrinkage of a critical memory area, the hippocampus. Stress alters your breathing rate, quiet your stress with deep, abdominal breathing. It’s simple and it’s free.

6. An active social life.
Humans are naturally social; we don’t thrive in isolation, and neither do our brains. Staying socially active will better your memory and cognition. When socializing, you don’t need to be a social butterfly, think quality, not quantity. Become engaged by volunteering, joining a club, or visit a local community center or senior center.

Aside from these six great tips be sure to watch out for health hazards. Smoking is one of the most preventable risks for Alzheimer’s disease. It’s important also to drink alcohol in moderation and maintain a healthy weight.

Contact us HERE to learn more about how our certified and licensed professionals at The Orchard can help you with Alzheimer’s Disease prevention and management.

Meet and Greet with Tucker City Council Candidate Corbett Jordan at Orchard at Tucker Assisted Living and Memory Care


We Provide Atlanta In-Home Visits


We care about your health and safety, so if you are not capable of leaving your home to visit our senior living community, we would be happy to schedule in-home visits. With The Orchard as your in-home care provider, you will benefit from personalized service built around your needs.

In-Home visits can provide the opportunity for an easier transition. The Orchard is happy to administer a complimentary assessment and give in-home care suggestions to bridge the time until assisted living is the safest choice.

We offer numerous in-home care options, including:

  • Routine safety checks and inspections.
  • Evaluate to determine that all care needs are currently being met for the senior.
  • Establish communication to ensure seniors and their families are getting the most out of the care they receive.
  • Referrals for extended senior care services, if needed.
  • Follow-ups for seniors after they are discharged from the hospital.

We know you have a lot of questions about in-home care for your elderly loved one. We encourage you and your family to sit down with us to discuss all of the options available. Whether you’re planning to move to assisted living in the future or wish to remain at home as long as possible, you’ll get the best care from Orchard. We are a true community of care, and our goal is to get a complete picture of your loved one’s in-home needs.

You can learn more about our home care services and our compassionate caregivers by calling (404) 775-0488.

When to Consider the Orchard Difference

Young and senior hands holding hands with a dandelion

The Orchard is a family owned and operated assisted living community in Tucker, Georgia. We believe in true independence for our residents. Here we offer uncompromised care to all of our residents, but when do you know that it’s time?

What to look out for:

  • There is frequent confusion; items are regularly lost
  • Mood and emotions are abnormal, or mood swings are common
  • Your loved one has trouble getting dressed or fastening clothing
  • Toileting and bathing present complications for your loved one
  • They are unable to prepare meals or need frequent assistance
  • Nutritional needs are not met due to problems with eating
  • Medications are missed or forgotten
  • Walking requires assistance or frequent falls occur
  • Household chores are being ignored or present difficulty

Orchard Benefits
It can be difficult to admit that a loved one is in need of more care than you can provide on your own. However, admitting that you are having trouble keeping up is the first step to finding a solution that can help you find some relief. Your loved one is counting on you, and sometimes seeking more help is the best thing that you can do to preserve their health and well-being.

Professional Advice
If you are unsure whether your loved one may benefit from assisted living, we can help you here. Our professionals are ready to talk you through your options and help you decide what is right.

Orchard Redefining Assisted Living and Memory Care in Atlanta

Go to page 20 of 11/13/15 Champion Press Issue to read the full articleOrchard at Tucker Article

Orchard at Tucker Featured November Events and Activities!

November Featured Events at Orchard at Tucker


18th Wednesday at 3:30- make your own mini pizza

demonstration in the 2nd floor bistro

20th Friday at 2:00 pm- scenic ride thru Decatur & Hot Dogs and Skips

23rd Monday at 2:00 pm- Painting Class

24th Tuesday at 2:30 pm- Camera Club

28th Saturday at 1:30- Laurel Anderson on the Piano

30th Monday at 4:00 pm- Bocce Ball in the Garden

We hope you join us. Call us at 404-775-0488 to RSVP

Orchard at Tucker~2060 Idlewood Rd~ Tucker 30084

Orchard Rehabilitation Services Available

A successful recovery is vital to one’s happiness, health, and well-being. Our goal at Orchard is to help our residents lead more active and independent lives during the recovery process after an illness, injury, or surgery.

Here at Orchard we provide the best rehabilitation services by offering our residents physical and occupational therapy rehabilitation. We extend a range of services including mobility and coordination management, speech and language rehabilitation, assistance to overcome disabilities and more.

Our comprehensive rehabilitation and wellness services are designed to maintain and improve our residents strength. We give the individual attention you need to live a healthy life. We also eliminate the need for lengthy trips to rehabilitation clinics by providing these services in the comfort of your Orchard home.

If you are interested in premier assisted living and rehabilitation services in the Smokerise and Tucker, Georgia area, Orchard is perfect for you. We follow a strong philosophy built on care and compassion that was created to ensure the highest level of care for every resident. Contact us by phone at 770-938-5600 or read more HERE to learn more about Orchard’s rehabilitation services.