Maintaining Cognitive Function With Age
Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency…
Benefits of Sunlight For Seniors
As we grow old, there are many precautions we can take to preserve…
Supporting Loved Ones During COVID-19 Pandemic
In light of current events, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Transition From Caregiver To Family Member
While someone we know suffers from dementia, it is likely that,…
Dementia Caregiving With Kids At Home
The majority of individuals with dementia are cared for by someone…
Benefits of Positive Thinking
There are a lot of negative thoughts that can accompany someone…
Music Therapy Benefits For Dementia
We all have that one song that takes us back to a single moment…
Dementia Diagnosis: What To Do First As A Caregiver
When someone you know or someone you love is first diagnosed…
Most Common Types of Dementia
Most people associate dementia with older adults, however any…
How To Deal With Guilt & Dementia Care
How can I leave my mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle, spouse,…
Traveling With Dementia
Part of dealing with dementia or dealing with someone you know…
Moderate Stage Dementia
Dementia can be defined as the acquired deterioration of the…