About Big Shark Marketing

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Entries by Big Shark Marketing

Tips for Foot Health and Why It’s Important

Mobility is a vital ingredient to self-sufficiency, making the foot ailments that often trouble seniors particularly worrisome. While it may not come to mind as a major health concern, poor foot health can severely impact a person’s ability to live alone, work and engage in social activities. Observing preventive foot health care has many benefits. […]

5 Activities for Seniors with Dementia

Connecting with others is an essential part of being human – and that remains the same when a person has dementia. We’re often asked, “What are good activities for dementia patients?”. There are still many ways you can continue to form connections and strengthen bonds with your loved one during this time. People with dementia […]

Reasons to Move to an Assisted Living Community

Thinking about making the move to an assisted living community in Decatur? Here are our reasons why moving to the Orchard might be right for you or your loved one. No More Home Maintenance Troubles Say goodbye to the days of calling a handyman or plumber that leave you with an expensive bill. No more […]

5 Healthy Hobbies for Seniors

Mental and social activities are just as critical as physical activities when it comes to ageing. And hobbies are an excellent way for seniors to become more active and engaged, which can improve their overall happiness. Here are a few of the Orchard activities and hobbies available: 1. Creating Art Art is a great way […]

Tips for Seniors to Avoid Heat Stroke/Exhaustion

Hot weather can be dangerous here in Georgia, and seniors are more inclined to its threat. Elderly heat stroke and heat exhaustion are real problems. There are several reasons for elderly heat vulnerability. A person’s ability to notice fluctuations in their body temperature decreases with age. Many seniors also have underlying health conditions that make […]

Caring Tips for Sundowners Syndrome

Sleeping problems occur in almost all people with mental disorders, including those with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Sleep determines our ability to do daily functions and maintain our physical/mental health. Many people believe that a difficulty sleeping is the center of the problem. Sundowners describes an increase in behavior problems usually in the late afternoon and […]

Get Heart Smart This March

There’s a big chance that someone in your life has, or will be, affected by heart disease. Since it’s the number one cause of death in the U.S., taking over 600,000 lives yearly, take a minute to familiarize yourself with heart disease in case of an emergency. What is heart disease? When people think of […]

The Importance of Sleep for Seniors

Are you getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night? A recent study conducted by the CDC showed that one-third of people will answer no. Not getting enough sleep can have some serious consequences to your health. A lack of sleep can increase your risk of obesity, a stroke, and dementia. Not to mention […]

Six Pillars of a Brain Healthy Lifestyle

The six pillars of a brain healthy Alzheimer’s prevention lifestyle are: 1. Healthy diet. Eating habits that reduce inflammation and promote normal energy production are brain-healthy habits. To eat brain-healthy try consuming foods like green tea, ginger, fish, soy products, and blueberries, and other dark berries can protect these vital cells from damage. Be sure […]

We Provide Atlanta In-Home Visits

We care about your health and safety, so if you are not capable of leaving your home to visit our senior living community, we would be happy to schedule in-home visits. With The Orchard as your in-home care provider, you will benefit from personalized service built around your needs. In-Home visits can provide the opportunity […]