Conversations with Dementia Consultant-Navigating the Transition

Alzheimer’s and related dementia’s have a profound impact on family members and the experiences of loved ones living with dementia. As neurodegenerative medical conditions progress they often demand increased attention to needs and environmental transitions can be imminent, but helpful.  The stress and duress of change requires decision making, a lot of detail, and typically a period of adjustment for everyone involved.

Orchard Senior Living recognizes change for some families can be emotionally and physically overwhelming or challenging.  We want to help by offering you the provision of a Transitional Counselor who will support your transition beginning to end.

When living with dementia, we face transitions that are accompanied by a desire and longing to find our way to “well-being.”  We want to feel in control, confident, comfortable with ourselves, and valued by those who are important to us. Talking to someone who understands, creates courage and elicits new ideas when managing change or challenges.

I’m Robin Andrews, a solution focused communications consultant specializing in transition for families living with dementia.  I have a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy and have worked in behavioral healthcare and aging services for 15 years. My collaborative counseling model is based on personal competency and solution-building rather than problem solving. Minimizing emphasis on past failings and problems, I instead focus on a persons’ strengths, abilities and successes.  I would be honored to assist you in a journey toward hope, healing, and self-discovery.skydd